Yeronga Village
Located just 7.5kms from the Brisbane CBD, Yeronga Village is a retail convenience centre comprising 23 tenancies across 2,411 sqm. With a focus on non-discretionary retailers including greengrocers, a childcare centre, a pharmacy, convenience outlets, and a medical and wellness centre, this RAM asset is situated on busy Fairfield Rd which is effectively the centre of the leafy suburb.
Alkot Studio was brought on board primarily as the Retail Design Manager but have also assisted with the retail strategy of the centre. To ensure maximum ROI for both RAM and the tenants, we have consulted on the tenancy mix, the centre layout, and how the fresh food precinct should operate. We audited and reviewed the internal and external architectural plans, tweaking some facade finishes and incorporating interactive structural elements to create an elevated retail experience for customers.
Overall the shopping centre will be given a contemporary redesign to create a new look and feel of the existing centre. Façade treatments across the buildings will unify both the proposed and existing buildings within the centre and include the extension of awnings, implementation of screening and installation of columns. New outdoor dining areas and internal landscaping surrounding seek to create an appealing shopping experience.